The Diabetes service at The Royal Liverpool University Hospital offers a wide range of specialist clinics to help people with diabetes in our communities manage this long-term condition.

These include:

  • Type 1 Diabetes 
  • Type 2 Diabetes with complexities
  • Diabetes complications ( Nephropathy, Retinopathy, NAFLD, Neuropathy)
  • Insulin Pump Service – including insulin pump assessment clinics, insulin pump education and MDT insulin pump clinics
  • Young Adult Transitional Service
  • Specialist Diabetes Foot Clinics
  • Continuous Glucose Monitoring
  • Gestational Diabetes Service
  • Antenatal Diabetes Service
  • Inpatient In-reach Diabetes Service
  • DAFNE Education Support
  • Specialist Diabetes Dietitian Support.

People with diabetes who need a hospital stay to help manage their condition (low or high blood sugars), will be cared for on Ward 8C

More information

Patients can be referred for a hospital stay via our Emergency Department.

GPs or community teams can refer patients to our specialist clinics.

Patients will be offered face-to-face, telephone or video consultations.

Ward 8C, 8th floor, Monday-Sunday, 24 hours

Specialised clinics

Outpatients 1, 2 and 3, Ground Floor, The Royal Liverpool University Hospital – Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm

NHS University Hospitals of Liverpool Group is a research active trust, supporting and facilitating new innovative ways of providing healthcare to improve patient experience and outcomes. To find out about current research opportunities or register for future studies, please visit the Diabetes and Endocrine Research page.