Using Power Bi to Improve Use of  Data within the Organisation

Why use Power BI?

Power BI is a powerful tool for several reasons:

In order to enable and support effective workforce management a suite of Pay and Management control Reports and Dashboards have been created.

You can Access the Power BI Platform for LUHFT by clicking the following link: Power BI

You will need to be given access to the LIGHT workspace, but once you have this you can access all the reports. To request access email 

Data has been taken from various key sources such as ESR, the Financial General Ledger and Health Roster, and dashboards have been developed to show information at all levels in organisation making the dashboards useable for all levels of management in the trust.

The reports below are currently live and plans to enhance and develop new reports. For the most up to date report and dashboard link use the Power Bi link above.

A guide which shows some of the key features and functionality of the reports can be found here, and at the foot of this page.

If you need further support or guidance using the NEW Power BI platform the team are at hand to help just drop us an email to and one of the team will be in touch.

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PDF file icon Using Workforce Power Bi Dashboards Using_Workforce_Power_Bi_Dashboards.pdf 20/09/2024 0.40 MB