If you require a smartcard and haven't had one before you will be required to present ID documents to the Registration Authority Team. These requirements are nationally set and cannot be deviated from.

If you do require a smartcard please be aware that this is on an appointment basis only, this can be arranged via Registration.Authority@liverpoolft.nhs.uk  

At your appointment you will be required to provide one of the two scenarios,

Two photo ID’s and one address verification or one photo ID and two address verification. A list of suitable documents can be found below,

 Photo ID


                Driving Licence

                Armed Forces ID Card

                Biometric Residence Permit

                ID Card carrying the PASS accreditation

                No Photo ID available

Address Verification     

                Utility Bill

                Financial Statement

                Driving Licence

                Benefit statement for DWP

                Confirmation of Electoral Register

                HMRC Tax notification - Not P45

                Local Authority tax Bill

                Local Authority Rent card or tenancy agreement

                Mortgage Statement

We are also required to upload a photograph; we’ll take this at your appointment.