ESR is accessible via the following link:  

Should anyone wish to access ESR they should use this link. This includes all Core users (HR, Finance, L&D) as well as all Self Service users (Supervisor or Employee Self Service).

A range of educational video tutorials are also available on the staff Hub.

Click here to view Employee Self Service video tutorials

Click here to view Supervisor/Manager Self Service video tutorials.

If after following the tutorials users are still experiencing issues accessing their account, or does not have access to their team please email:

ESR - Workforce Systems Team: 

The Electronic Staff Register (ESR) helps to manage teams and services effectively allowing access to the information that you want, when you want it.

Electronic Staff Record (ESR) is the national, integrated Human Resources (HR) and Payroll system, which is used by all six hundred plus NHS organisations throughout England and Wales.

It is one of the world's largest IT implementations which has replaced the twenty nine payroll and at least thirty eight human resource systems used in the NHS.

One part of maximising the benefits from implementing ESR is the use of Self Service for Employee and Managers/Supervisors across the Trust. In a nutshell...Self Service gives Managers & Supervisors devolved access to ESR to enable them to update their employees personal and assignment information, enter absence information and book their employees onto training courses.

Self Service brings a number of benefits to the Trust, not only does it improve the accuracy and efficiency of these business processes, Managers and Supervisors will be able to “help themselves” to up to date, accurate information about their teams directly from the system enabling them to make more informed and effective decisions about their services.

If you have trouble accessing your ESR Self Service (ESS) account please view the handy video tutorial. Click here to view the Employee Password Reset tutorial video

Your trust email will be linked to your ESR account and will be used to reset passwords. If a new starter the email in use will be the one used during their recuitment until they have a trust email account and this has been updated in ESR.