Each autumn everyone who works in the NHS in England is invited to take part in the NHS Staff Survey. The survey offers a snapshot in time of how people experience their working lives, gathered at the same time each year. Its strength is in capturing a national picture alongside local detail, enabling a range of organisations to understand what it is like for staff across different parts of the NHS and work to make improvements.

For more information on the national staff survey click here

2023 National Staff Survey - Team Level Report Support Documents 

Please find below a number of support tool kits and templates available to help support in your own action planning at team level

Toolkit 1 - Team Support Pack 

This toolkit is designed to help support teams understand their results, start planning team engagement discussions and signposts for further support  

Toolkit 2 - People Promise Guides 

This toolkit has been designed to help understand the detail of each theme with suggestions of how to work on each area 

LUHFT 2023 National Staff Survey Scores   

This pack provides the trust level scores for theme and question level 


You said - A number of templates to outline your actions in a poster 

Action record log - A simple table to help record your actions

Please note - Your individual team data is stored by your divisional or hospital leadership teams, if you have not received your data yet please speak to the appropriate persons or email organisational.development@liverpoolft.nhs.uk 

Here you can share you local Actions with the OD team 
