Our new appraisal framework, known as ‘My Contribution Conversation’, offers a brand new appraisal framework for LUHFT, and we’re excited for you to get involved.

In the 2021 Staff Survey results, we scored the lowest score for appraisals. You told us that the existing framework was clunky and complicated, meaning appraisals weren’t happening consistently. With your feedback, we have created a simplified and more flexible framework that covers your health and well being, your contribution, and your development – to ensure that your appraisal covers what matters to you. The new appraisal framework can be used electronically or as a paper-based tool, to make it easier for you to have those important conversations.

“Everyone should have the opportunity to have an honest and open conversation with their manager about their well being, performance and development, and that these types of conversations should happen more frequently.”

James Sumner, Chief Executive, LUHFT

This system has been piloted extensively over the summer of 2022 by a range of teams Trust-wide and we have received positive feedback, with our colleagues telling us that this system makes it easier to have a quality appraisal conversation.

Trust-wide roll-out began in October 2022.

What happens during a Contribution Conversation?

The contribution conversation should take between 90 minutes and 2 hours and is a chance for colleagues and managers to have a meaningful and quality appraisal conversation. The framework is designed so that the conversation begins by focusing on the colleague’s health and well being, then moves to a look back over the last 12 months achievements and challenges, any learning and reflections. There is then discussion of the Trust values and which one will be focused on going forward.  The conversation then moves to look at personal contribution and impact, in the team and in delivering outstanding healthcare for our patients and communities. Finally, objectives for the next year and any individual development goals are discussed, along with future aspirations and next career steps (if applicable).

I’m a manager or an appraiser - how can I prepare for my colleague’s appraisal?

One of the areas for discussion is health and well being. Make sure that you have key contacts to hand in case you need to signpost to further support. 

Send your colleague the Employee Preparation Guide which is full of useful hints and tips to prepare for their appraisal in the best possible way, to reflect on their well being, discuss and celebrate their achievements, explore learning, how they show up at work and the impact they have on patient care.  It will help them to think through any development needs and career goals.

The manager guide helps you to feel prepared as the appraiser to hold your employee’s contribution conversation.  There’s also lots of information about the support and resources you and your colleague can access if needed.

If completing the Contribution Conversation on paper, something to consider is how you will confidentially store paper-based copies of the Contribution Conversation.

I’m a colleague about to have my appraisal - what do I need to know and what can I expect?

Your appraisal is a two-way discussion between you and an appraiser (usually your line manager), where you discuss your job, performance and well being over the previous year and talk about what you have achieved. The Contribution Conversation will provide an opportunity for you to have a meaningful and quality conversation, to help you feel valued, supported, and clear on goals and the ask of you. Watch our video here to find out more of what to expect.

You will get the best from your appraisal if you prepare well and do some thinking beforehand. Your manager should give you some time to do this before your appraisal. Take a look at the Employee Preparation Guide in the Resources section to help you prepare and go to your appraisal ready with examples to share. Your manager should also prepare so you can have a two-way conversation.

How to use My Contribution Conversation - best practice

  1. Manager arranges a date with staff member for their My Contribution Conversation. Allow sufficient time to ensure a quality conversation, we recommend 90 minutes to 2 hours.
  1. Two weeks before the appraisal, manager sends out the Employee Preparation Guide to the employee, gives employee time to prepare and make some notes.
  1. The week before the appraisal, use the Manager’s Preparation Guide, ensuring they have examples of the employee’s contribution ready to share in the meeting.
  1. My Contribution Conversation meeting takes place between staff member and line manager. During the meeting:
  • My Contribution Conversation Template - Print off a paper copy or complete electronically using the editable Word version.
  • Manager is responsible for recording the conversation on the template.
  • Manager and employee set the next date of their follow up contribution check in
  1. Immediately afterwards, manager scans / saves appraisal doc as electronic copy in secure folder.
  1. Manager records appraisal date on ESR (see resources section for guidance).
  2. Manager sends the employee a completed copy of the My Contribution Conversation as a record of their discussion.