SAS Doctor Leads

Here at LUHFT we have two SAS Doctors leads, their details are listed below. For any SAS Doctors wanting to get in touch, you can do so by emailing the leads or alternatively contacting the Postgraduate Education Department.

Ms Anu Shrotri –Aintree site -

Mr Shabbir Ashraf – Royal site -

For any queries, please contact

Please see below the NHSE SAS Doctors page where you can find information on FAQ’S, CESR support and news.

SAS Doctors Home Page | Health Education North West (

Below is the link to the SAS BMA Charter.

The SAS charter (

CESR - Certificate of eligibility for specialist registration

The Trust are looking to set up a group for SAS Doctors who have successfully applied for CESR and would be interested in mentoring and supporting other SAS Doctors who are looking to apply. If you have applied for CESR and are interested in mentoring and supporting others in applying, please contact us on

For more information on applying for CESR, please follow the links below.

Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration or Certificate of Eligibility for GP Registration application - GMC (

Certification Types - JCST

SAS Development funding information.

SAS Doctors can apply for funding for attending short courses / conferences and for postgraduate University qualifications. Your forms must be signed by your clinical supervisor and SAS Doctors lead. More information can be found on the NHSE NW Website

Applying for the SAS Development Fund | Health Education North West (

Click here to find more information on funding principles and guidance.