Welcome to the staff hub pages for Medical Associate professions at LUHFT

In response to the issues highlighted in the NHS Five-Year Forward View, the NHS has seen the emergence of new professional roles for non-medically qualified practitioners working within multi-professional teams as part of the continuing drive to provide safe, accessible and high quality care for patients.

In autumn 2014 Health Education England (HEE) commissioned a report entitled “Working towards a common education and training programme to support a route to statutory regulation for Physicians’ Assistants (Anaesthesia), (now known as Anaesthesia Associates), Physician Associates, and Surgical Care Practitioners in England”. Subsequently, Advanced Critical Care Practitioners were included within the scope.  These roles have been identified as important solutions to some of these workforce issues.

Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is an employer of all four of the Medical Associate Professions roles. The organisation is undergoing a large integration of clinical services which will require alternative ways of working; these alternative roles are able to support the medical workforce.

We have two consultant clinical leads and a MAP’s education lead who in collaboration with leads within the medical education faculty and others in key education roles promote, support and develop the medical associate professions roles in particular the physician associate role.

The Trust also provides clinical placements for Physician Associate students from local Higher Education Institutes (HEI’s): Edge Hill, Chester and University of Central Lancashire.


Clinical Consultant Leads for Physician Associates:

Natalie Spurr natalie.spurr@liverpoolft.nhs.uk (AUH) 

Kulbir Mann kulbir.mann@liverpoolft.nhs.uk (RLBH)

Education Lead for Medical Associate Professions Jeanette.wilding@liverpoolft.nhs.uk

External Links

Anaesthetic Associate


Advanced Critical Care Practitioner 


Physician Associate 


Surgical Care Practitioner 
