Liverpool University Foundation NHS Trust is keen to support LTFT training. This page aims to signpost trainees and trainers on various aspects of LTFT training.

LTFT Overview Video: if you'd rather not read all the information below, watch this excellent overview held on this link.

Categories of LTFT training

Trainees may consider less than full-time training for various reasons that range from caring responsibilities, health and wellbeing concerns, professional development, or to ensure a healthy work-life balance.

Please discuss with your program management TPD before you apply.

The trust has Flexible Working Champion’s. Their job is to support all employees who work flexibly/asynchronously or less than full time.  The Champions can be contacted as follows,

Aintree Site

Leanne Callaghan -

Hannah Morrow -


Rachel Taggart -

Anna Stewart –

Video resources: 

LTFT Training – Applying

LTFT Training – Pay

Comprehensive information on LTFT eligibility for trainees, application, tips and resources is available here.

The NHS England Northwest LTFT Process Map - Appendix 1 LTFT Process April 2024 Flow Chart PGDrT-1.pdf

External Links:  


NHS Employers


Thumbnail Title Filename Date Posted Size
PDF file icon A Trainees Guide to LTFT A_Trainees_Guide_to_LTFT.pdf 20/09/2024 0.54 MB