All Hosted Lead Employer trainees must ensure their mandatory training compliance is up to date. There are 11 mandatory compliance modules, these are listed below for information.
NHS|CSTF|Equality, Diversity and Human Rights - 3 Years|
NHS|CSTF|Fire Safety - 2 Years|
NHS|CSTF|Health, Safety and Welfare - 3 Years|
NHS|CSTF|Infection Prevention and Control - Level 2 - 1 Year|
NHS|CSTF|Information Governance and Data Security - 1 Year|
NHS|CSTF|Moving and Handling - Level 2 - 2 Years|
NHS|CSTF|NHS Conflict Resolution (England) - 3 Years|
NHS|CSTF|Preventing Radicalisation - Prevent Awareness - 3 Years|
NHS|CSTF|Resuscitation - Level 2 - Adult Basic Life Support - 1 Year|
NHS|CSTF|Safeguarding Adults (Version 2) - Level 2 - 3 Years|
NHS|CSTF|Safeguarding Children (Version 2) - Level 2 - 3 Years|
Two of the modules must be undertaken face to face and can be arranged via the respective teams below with sessions held across LUHFT.
NHS|MAND|Moving and Handling for People Handlers – 3 Years|
Health and Safety Department 0151 529 (6597) manualhandling
287|LOCAL|Basic Life Support (Adult) CSTF Resuscitation Level 2|Core
Clinical Education Department 0151 529 (5317) Clinical.
When viewing your training compliance matrix and E-learning content, you will need to log in to ESR.
You can also complete your e-learning for Health (ELFH), following this user guide. If you are utilising the ELFH learning platform, please ensure your GMC number and email address are entered into your ELFH account to ensure a transfer of information. Please note the email address on both systems must match to allow the transfer.
Any queries around missing compliance in the first instance please review your record and ensure ELFH interface steps have been undertaken. The ELFH interface will take a few days to update, therefore please be patient before checking again, if the interface has failed, please refer to ESR and ELFH systems to ensure your email, GMC and name match.
Thumbnail | Title | Filename | Date Posted | Size |
eLFH User Guide | eLFH_User_Guide.pdf | 20/09/2024 | 0.62 MB |