Access to Work (AtW): Guide for University Hospitals of Liverpool Hospital Group

Access to Work (AtW) is a government scheme that provides financial support to help employees with disabilities, physical or mental health conditions, or neurodivergence stay in work.

It funds workplace adjustments, specialist equipment, travel, support workers, and mental health support.

1. How to Apply for Access to Work

Employee Application Process:

  1. Apply Online or by Phone: The employee must start the application at Access to Work: get support if you have a disability or health condition: What Access to Work is - GOV.UK
  2. Provide Work & Health Details: They will need to explain their condition, job role, and the support needed.
  3. Assessment (if required): A specialist may assess the workplace needs (this can be done remotely or in person).
  4. AtW Grant Offer: AtW will confirm what support is approved and how much funding is available.
  5. Implementation & Reimbursement: The organisation purchases the approved equipment or services and claims the cost back (subject to funding rules).

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The employee must have a physical or mental health condition that affects their ability to work.
  • They must be employed or about to start a job.
  • The employer must be based in England, Scotland, or Wales (different rules apply in Northern Ireland).

2. How is AtW Funded?

The NHS is considered a large employer, meaning it may need to contribute to the costs:

  • For existing employees: The NHS must cover the first £1,000 of any AtW grant and pay 20% of costs between £1,000 - £10,000. AtW funds the rest.
  • For new starters (within the first 6 weeks of employment): AtW funds 100% of the costs.

3. What Does the Manager Need to Know & Do?

Manager's Responsibilities:

Support the Employee’s Application: Help the employee identify reasonable adjustments.

Provide Workplace Information: AtW may ask about job duties and working conditions.

Implement Adjustments: Once approved, ensure the adjustments are in place.

Manage Equipment Procurement & Reimbursement (if applicable).

Monitor Impact: Check if the adjustments are effective.


4. How is Equipment Procured & Claimed Back?

  1. Employer Purchases Equipment:

    • The NHS buys the recommended equipment upfront.
    • The invoice must be in the employer’s name, not the employee’s.
  2. Claiming Reimbursement:

    • Submit a claim to Access to Work with receipts and proof of purchase.
    • The NHS gets reimbursed for the agreed percentage of the cost.
    • Claims must be made within 9 months of purchase.
  3. Using NHS Procurement Teams:

    • NHS organisations may use existing procurement frameworks to order equipment.
    • Some equipment (e.g., IT/software) may need Digital Services approval before purchase.

5. What Happens to the Equipment If the Employee Leaves?

  • The equipment belongs to the NHS (not the employee or AtW).
  • The organisation can reassign it to another employee with similar needs.
  • If the equipment is specialist and not reusable, the NHS may need to store or dispose of it.

6. Do You Have to Accept All Recommended Equipment?

  • No, the NHS can suggest alternatives if they meet the same needs.
  • The NHS can fund additional adjustments if AtW does not cover them.
  • Some AtW-funded items may not be compatible with NHS systems, requiring IT approval.

7. Do You Have to Use AtW’s Suppliers?

  • No, you can choose your own suppliers as long as they provide comparable equipment or services.
  • If an alternative supplier is used, ensure AtW approves the cost before purchasing.

8. Things to Be Aware Of

Delays in Processing: AtW applications can take weeks or months, so apply early.

IT Compatibility: Specialist software/hardware may need NHS IT team approval.

Reasonable Adjustments Duty: Employers must still provide reasonable adjustments, even if AtW does not cover them.

Reimbursement Rules: Claims must be made within 9 months, or the NHS may lose funding.

Not Retrospective: Equipment purchased before AtW approval is granted will not be reimbursed.

9. Additional Support