The menopause is natural part of female aging. It usually occurs between 45 and 55 years of age but symptoms can arise anytime up to the mid-60s. Symptoms are varied but can include:

· Hot flushes

· Night sweats  

· Difficulty sleeping

· Problems with memory and concentration

· Headaches

· Mood changes, such as low mood or anxiety

· Palpitations 

· Joint stiffness, aches and pains

· Reduced muscle mass

· Recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs), such as cystitis

It is estimated that almost 30% of our workforce will be subject to these symptoms at any one time and this can lead to a great deal of personal discomfort. As an employer we take the health and wellbeing of our workforce seriously and we are committed to ensure the workplace has a positive impact on good physical and mental health.


Action Taken

For a number of years we have promoted greater support and awareness of the issues associated with the menopause. We have developed a relationship with the Menopause Exchange organisation. Over 200 staff signed up to quarterly email bulletins through the following link:

We have also signed the menopause pledge: further information is available here: About us (

Menopause Network

We have a menopause network and we commit hold monthly sessions which alternate between a teams education sessions and our Meno 'pause' sessions. 

The network is supported by the Wellbeing and Inclusion team who commit to and arrange 6 specialist speakers over the year. Sessions are on teams and recordings will be shared with the menopause network. Sessions include topics such as HRT, Diet, Exercise and movement, Sleep,Psychological health, Symptom management, Lifestyle management and Reasonable Adjustments in work. If you would like to be part of the network please email: 

The Meno "pause" sessions are sessions for staff to either come together on teams or in person and on different sites to talk and support each other. These are self directed by the network members but available to all. 

We have a LUHFT menopause guidance which is available here: 

HRT Menopause

Menopause and Circadian Rhythms

Diet Menopause

Anxiety and Menopause

Menopause Risk Assessment

Menopause Toolkit

Our Occupational Health, Wellbeing and Inclusion team provide menopause training to teams and a male only training. Please email: to arrange training. 

We all should be proactive in our own self-care. Staff who suffer from on-going issues due to menopause should take advice from their GP.

Managers and staff should also be aware that referrals can be made to the Trust Occupational Health Service.

Note to staff other than Liverpool Hospitals staff

Please be aware that these pages are for Liverpool Hospitals staff and whilst general information is widely available to all Trusts who use LUHFT Occupational Health service, you may find that trying to access specific services (other than Occupational Health) is restrictive.  If you work in another Trust, and you are unable to access any site specific links, your own Trust may have similar schemes for you to access.  Please check your own Intranet