Support from Macmillan

Macmillan offers support to people living with or affected by cancer from the point of

diagnosis. They also offer support to professionals.

Please find below details of Macmillan support that can help you in your role when

supporting people living with or affected by cancer.

Within this document you will find information about:

  1. Website
  2. Telephone Support Line
  3. Online Community
  4. In your area
  5. Telephone Buddies
  6. Learn Zone
  7. Be.Macmillan
  8. Macmillan Grants

If you have any questions or want further details of the support mentioned below, please

contact Claire Evans, Macmillan Engagement Lead, on or 07458


  1. Macmillan website -

Our website has lots of information for both people living with or affected by cancer but

also, for health care professionals. The links below are a good place to start and are updated


  1. Macmillan telephone support line – 0808 808 0000

Our Macmillan Telephone Support is open 7 days a week from 8am to 8pm and offers a

wide range of support including:

  • Supporting you through the coronavirus pandemic
  • Talk to a Cancer Information Nurse Specialist
  • Talk to our Financial Guidance team
  • Talk to a Work Support Advisor
  • Talk to our Cancer Information and Support Specialists• Sign up for weekly telephone support
  • Talk to people on our Online Community
  • Find a local support group
  1. Online Community -

The Macmillan Online Community is a free online place for people who are living with or

who are affected by cancer to chat about the issues affecting them.

“Whether you are having tests, have just been diagnosed, or you are in treatment — or

you’re supporting someone who is — the Online Community is the place to talk to people

who have similar experiences to yours”.

  1. In Your Area -

This area of the website allows you to search by county, town or postcode to find local

community support. This might be a local peer led support group, the local Macmillan

Information and Support Service or other organisations.

  1. Telephone Buddies -

Telephone buddies was launched in 2020 in response to the Covid Pandemic and lockdown

to support people living with or affected by cancer. Our free Telephone Buddy service will

match the person with someone who understands what they are going through, and they'll

give them a weekly call for about 12 weeks.

The volunteer buddy will be a listening ear, ready to talk about how they are feeling and

their support needs during this difficult time. They can also let them know about our

services, and all the ways Macmillan can help, to ensure they don't face cancer alone.

  1. Learn Zone -

Learn Zone is an area of the website which gives access to free learning resources, online courses for professionals, members of the public, volunteers and groups as well as professional development tools. (A new Hub has recently been launched, which will replace Learn Zone over the coming months – this is currently only available for professionals but will widen to include community groups and people living with or affected by cancer) – for more information about this go to :

  1. Macmillan -

Access to a whole host of information and resources that can support professionals or people living with or affected by cancer including (but not exhaustive list):

  • Cancer and other health conditions
  • Coping with and after treatment
  • Diagnosing symptoms, causes, risks and factors
  • Easy read titles
  • Fundraising
  • Information for carers
  • Macmillan Organiser
  • Organising the practical and financial side
  1. Macmillan Grants
  • Macmillan Grants are small, one-off means-tested payments to help with the extra costs that living with cancer can bring. Find out how to apply

  • Macmillan Support Grant – This is a small funding stream that can be applied for by community organisations, support groups or partner organisations (not individuals) to support people living with or affected by cancer in their local community. For more details please contact your local Macmillan Engagement Lead (Claire Evans –,uk)