Financial well-being is where a person can fully meet current and ongoing financial obligations, can feel secure in their financial future and is able to make choices that allow them to enjoy life.

Times are difficult at the moment and we are in unprecedented times but we will work with you to help as best as we can.

We have put together financial support and we are working all the time on other ways in which we can support you. 

Recent research identified that an average of 38 productive days per employee per year due to absence (1.1%) and presenteeism (13.4%). This increases by more than double for those employees with financial concerns.

A poor financial situation will have a direct detrimental effect on an individuals mental health, producing physical and psychological symptoms such as loss of sleep, poor concentration and reduced motivation and affects every aspect of your life. 

We have put together financial support and we are working all the time on other ways in which we can support you.