Staff car parking changes - Updated 16th November 2023

We’re launching a new staff car parking management plan to standardise the fees and application criteria across each of our three sites, from 1 January 2024.

This will give us a fair and consistent approach for everyone, ensuring that staff car parking is managed equitably and is suited to us working together as one organisation.

The new pricing structure will be standardised across all sites, with those earning less paying less, premium and standard parking rates (based on quality and convenience of location) and improved concessions applied; including for night staff, those who work from home and other part time car park users.

We are offering more car parking spaces than ever before and you will have the option to use a cheaper car park in a different location and/or reduce the fee to your pay packet by using salary sacrifice.

We will also be introducing a staff parking permit allocation system to ensure consistency in how permits are allocated to staff across each site. The system will reflect colleagues’ preferences and will also take into account factors such as mobility, carer issues and working unsociable hours. Line managers will be required to verify the information given by staff in their application as part of the approval process.

Please use this link Staff car parking management plan :: Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust ( for car parking information.

For any help/guidance with this please contact