My password stops working and I have to keep resetting it
Many NHS Trusts in the country are using OPAS-G2 and if you google search this, it will take you to the system used by Glasgow & Clyde which could be why you are not receiving the reset link.
Make sure you always use our link to reset your password https://
If I make a mistake, or if I need to change the email address to their personal email, do I have to do the whole referral again
No, you do not, you can amend the referral – details for how to do this are here
When report arrives, there is no date on it
Thanks for pointing this out – we have now added the date on to the report so it will appear from now on
I can’t download the report, I have to print it and rescan to email
Noted – we will raise this with the software company and ask them to add this facility
The landing page is tricky to use and its hard to work out where the referral is. Once the report has come back, it seems to disappear once you have viewed it
Yes, there are different categories on the page and it can be tricky. Old reports move to the archived files. Details of the different categories and how to find a report can be seen here
Staff didn’t know what to expect and there was no instruction for them
It is important that you have a conversation with your employee before referring them and let them know to look out for an email. We have developed a guide for what they need to know and this has now been added to the email that they receive. A copy can also be found here
I was not aware the appointments had to be arranged via email
We used to send appointment letters out in the post and now we send appointment emails instead. This has reduced our DNA rate by around 30% thus saving the Trust money and allows easy movement of appointments if the date offered is not convenient to the employee
There is nowhere to put confidential information that I don't want my employee to see
This is true, we all have the legal right, under GDPR 2016, to see our entire medical history so anything you put in writing can and will be seen by your employee. If you need support on completing the management referral, you can ring to discuss it with our Senior Nurse but if its not on the referral we won't answer the question
If you wish to raise any other issues about G2, please do not hesitate to e-mail Diane.