COVID-19 guidance updates
From 3 May we will be updating our COVID-19 guidance in line with the following: Non-elective (emergency) patients
- Only test symptomatic patients admitted for care (or who develop symptoms in hospital) use PCR.
- If positive, side-room isolation for minimum of five days – isolation can step down after five days when well and fever free for 48 hours.
Elective patients
- No routine pre-admission testing
- No routine testing for patient transfers between departments or other hospitals.
- PCR testing within 48 hours of discharge for patients to care homes or hospice settings.
Click here for further details from NHS England or visit: COVID-19: testing from 1 April 2023 - GOV.UK ( Staff COVID-19 testing updates Symptomatic staff
- Staff who have respiratory symptoms (including symptoms of Covid-19) may attend for work if they feel well enough
- Staff are no longer required to test themselves for Covid-19
- Staff who have taken a test, and are positive, should return to work when they feel well enough to do so.
All staff should comply with IPC guidance at all times ie: hand hygiene and ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’.