- This training is specific to clinicians undertaking the mainstream genetic susceptibility panel testing for eligible breast patients who can access R208 panel testing.
- Please ensure you have read and understood the local Standard Operating Procedure for Mainstream Genetic Susceptibility Panel Testing – Breast. This is available on DMS or via this link
- Please ensure you review the information contained on each web link – If there are any issues with accessing the training / education links please contact Kayleigh.Davies-Crowley@Liverpoolft.nhs.uk or call 0151-706-2927.
- If you have any questions or queries prior to undertaking the consent discussion / consent appointment please contact Kayleigh Davies-Crowley or Rebecca Brooks on ext 0151-706-2927.
- Once you have read the standard operating procedure above (also here) and have completed all of the training and education modules listed below you must complete the form at the bottom of this page for this to be registered (Please note you will need to know your employee number for the form).
Training Required
Liverpool Womens Genetics team modules (Please review all 7 modules)
Thumbnail | Title | Filename | Date Posted | Size |
Training -local-process-and-logistics-within-ccc-breast-oncology-clinics | Training_-local-process-and-logistics-within-ccc-breast-oncology-clinics.pdf | 03/03/2025 | 0.28 MB | |
Training -introduction-to-genetic-testing | Training_-introduction-to-genetic-testing.pdf | 03/03/2025 | 1.14 MB | |
Training -mainstreaming-introduction | Training_-mainstreaming-introduction.pdf | 03/03/2025 | 0.28 MB | |
Training -consent-conversation | Training_-consent-conversation.pdf | 03/03/2025 | 0.46 MB | |
Training-assessing-eligibility | Training-assessing-eligibility.pdf | 03/03/2025 | 1.81 MB | |
Training -the-test-purpose-and-process-recorded | Training_-the-test-purpose-and-process-recorded.pdf | 03/03/2025 | 2.76 MB | |
Training -the-test-results | Training_-the-test-results.pdf | 03/03/2025 | 0.91 MB |
Macmillan Genomics Toolkit : Breast | Please Click here to view this training |
NHS England Genomics ‘ How to complete a Record of discussion of Consent form’ | Please Click here to view this training |
NHS England Genomics ‘ Record of discussion of Consent form’ | Please Click here to view this training |
Mainstream Breast Genetic Testing by the Advanced Nurse Practitioner Team Standard Operating Procedure | Please Click here to view this SOP |
Contact details
If you have any questions or need to contact anyone regarding the Mainstream Genetic Susceptibility Panel Testing or the associated training please contact-
- Kayleigh Davies-Crowley (Breast ANP) Kayleigh.
Davies-Crowley ext 2927@liverpoolftnhs.uk
- Rebecca Brooks (Breast ANP) Rebecca.
Brooks ext 2927@liverpoolft.nhs.uk
- Clinical Genetics at Liverpool Womens Hospital Lwft.
clingen 0151 802 5003@NHS.net
Notify of completion