Please note for all schemes:
**Important Notice** If you have a Salary Sacrifice item and you are thinking of leaving the Trust, please contact the following: / payrollluh
Please contact the above as soon as possible so you can be advised of the outstanding balance before your leaving date and of any available options open to you.
If you have a Cycle/Mersey travel pass or Car park permit, please contact david.
Any outstanding balances on any of the lease/purchase schemes the Trust operates (including travel schemes) will be deducted from your last full month’s salary or last month’s salary if you leave your employment before your lease/purchase is complete. You will then be invoiced for any remaining outstanding amount. You must ensure you can afford the schemes you are applying for, including their early termination.
NB: The use of the National Living Wage (NLW) when processing applications is to ensure the repayments don’t allow salary to drop below the NLW.
Please be aware that the NLW does not apply when deducting any outstanding balance for Salary Sacrifice items on leaving the Trust.