Personal Safety Training

The primary aim of the training we provide is to embed a culture where our staff feel supported, safe and secure at work. This training falls under the umbrella of the Violence Prevention and Reduction Group.

The NHS Long Term Plan and the NHS People Promise both demonstrate a commitment to the health and wellbeing of NHS colleagues, recognising the negative impact that poor staff health and wellbeing can have on patient care. Violence and abuse toward NHS colleagues is one of the many factors that can have a devastating and lasting impact on health and wellbeing. With incidents of violence and aggression within our organisation increasing, a fundamental part of our training is focused on the prevention and reduction of violence and abuse toward our colleagues.

Our training falls into three broad categories:

Mandatory Training       

All staff will need to complete the Conflict Resolution e-Learning module in ESR (this is to be completed every 3 years).  This covers Conflict Resolution theory, common law.  This provides a starting point to consider how to improve your situational awareness using stance and distance to your advantage in situations where you might be feeling under threat. 


Please be aware that the following is currently under review and unavailable. Once the new training package is finalised, we will communicate this as soon as possible.


Conflict Breakaway Training

Following the introduction of risk assessments by the Security  team, we have been able to identify the areas most at risk of violence and aggression.   Using this information, we have developed a training solution to support these wards and departments in reducing the level of risk.   This training is a practical face to face session and focuses on the importance of distance and stance in a potential conflict situation, the reactionary gap, safely moving people in an emergency situation, and breakaway skills. We have also included simulation following risk assessments of the wards, an increased risk was identified associated with the move to single occupancy rooms.  Our training enables delegates to take part in simulated  scenarios in a safe environment with the added benefit of a debriefing session to reinforce learning. 

How to book 

Learning and Development has now gone fully self-service with ESR. This means rather than using the L&D portal on your desktop to book onto our courses, you will book your place directly through ESR.

Guidance can be found on your homepage of ESR ( .... look for the following section: