Course Description

This half day course is designed to equip you with the skills to effectively prepare, navigate, and thrive in the interview. If you are up for an important interview or have had a few unsuccessful interviews and feel you could use a refresher, we can help. 

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, you will have had the opportunity to: 

  • Agree the components of the interview process
  • Develop strategies to manage interview nerves 
  • Develop confidence in dealing with interview questions
  • Explore and reduce the barriers associated with conducting an interview

Intended Audience

This course is suitable for all LUHFT colleagues

Additional support

If you are looking to improve your skills when interviewing but cannot wait for the next Interview skills course, the Learning and Development team can offer 1-1 interview support. To apply for 1-1 interview support, please fill in the form below. If you are prompted to log in, please use your trust email address. Once completed, someone from L&D will get back to you to arrange a meeting. 

Interview Support Request