Course Description
The half day course will provide you with practical tools and techniques to use when having performance conversations with your staff. Typically these conversations may be around encouraging your staff to take ownership and responsibility, coming to terms with change or to give feedback. Staff completing Coaching Conversations will be expected to use basic listening and non-directive communication skills and techniques to support their staff or colleagues in their daily role.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the course, you will have the opportunity to:
- Describe the skills needed to be a good coach
- Recognise common barriers to coaching
- Describe simple model to coach effectively
- Practice conducting a coaching conversation
Intended Audience
This course is aimed at either managers across the Trust who are looking to utilise a coaching approach with their team members, or for all colleagues who are interested in using a coaching approach with other colleagues.
Please note - the PEF team are now offering coaching sessions aimed specifically at colleagues coaching pre-registered student nurses in practice. Applied to student nurse practice placement learning, coaching has the potential to boost leadership learning that is student led, less focused on following the directions of a mentor/assessor and more focused on the student taking responsibility for identifying their own learning goals and objectives in a non-traditional environment. If you are a coaching ward or would like to become one, please contact the PEF team and book a place on this module.