Course Description

This course will give you the tools you need for situations where you need to be direct about what you need, want, feel or believe in a way that's respectful of the views of others. It's a communication skill that can reduce conflict, build your self-confidence and improve relationships in the workplace.

Learning Objectives

  • Recognise the effects of unassertive behaviour on yourself and others
  • Identify the individuals and situations where you are less able to assert yourself 
  • Apply a range of assertiveness strategies and techniques
  • Make and refuse requests assertively

Intended Audience

Staff who feel they need the confidence to deal with a range of people, behaviour and situations.

How to book 

Learning and Development has now gone fully self-service with ESR. This means rather than using the L&D portal on your desktop to book onto our courses, you will book your place directly through ESR.

Guidance can be found on your homepage of ESR ( .... look for the following section: