Moving & Handling training is split into two levels:
Level 1: All staff to undertake an E-Learning module on ESR with a 3 yearly update
Learning Outcomes:
- Accessing resources including legislation, local/national policies and guidelines
- An organisations responsibilities for promoting a safe working environment including best moving and handling practices
- Posture and back care
- Ergonomic risk assessment
- Principles of safer handling
Level 2: Clinical staff working in direct contact with patients to undertake a face to face pracitcal training session facilitated by a Manual Handling Cascade Trainer in the clinical area or classroom based training by a Manual Handling Advisor with a 2 yearly update. This training is booked through ESR
Learning Outcomes:
- Awareness of the principles of safe patient handling and use of equipment
- Awareness of controversial techniques
- Awareness of the importance of safety checks for all equipment prior to use including sling inspection
- Confident and competent using patient handling equipment including sling inspection
- Importance of patient risk assessment and patient ability
- Awareness of bariatric patient referral and equipment process
- Awareness of good back care and posture
Please attend wearing suitable clothing and footwaear as you will be practicing patient handling tasks
Please inform the Manual Handling Advisor if you have any medical concerns, are pregnant or recently post natal before the session