Honorary Contracts or Observer & Medical Elective letter of access

There are a number of people who wish to work, train and carry out research in the organisation. In order to carry out these activities within the organisation, they need to have an honorary contract or letter of access.

An honorary contract or letter of access is for an individual who is not employed by the Trust but will be working here in some capacity. They may or may not be seeing patients and they may or may not have access to systems.

Examples of honorary contracts include:

  • Staff working on research
  • An individual carrying out or assisting with a procedure
  • An individual who’s job role is across Trusts where on Trust re-charges another
  • A project team
  • A service carried out on Trust premises but managed by another Trust where these is no SLA in place.

Observers and Medical Elective are for Observation purposes ONLY, they must NOT carry out clinical duties or have direct patient contact.

Processing an honorary contract or observer & medical elective letter of access;

A supervising manager employed by the Trust, please use the link below to submit a honorary contract or observer & medical elective request form. Please ensure you select the correct base location and provide as much detail as possible to prevent delays. 

Recruitment Forms Power apps

Please be aware there is a minimum of 8 weeks notice to enable recruitment to complete employment checks