The Trust has teamed up with a new Salary Sacrifice provider called Liaison OneCall.
They provide alternative schemes - Hays Holidays, GMP Lease cars, Liaison Home Tech, Valiant Boilers + Swyft Furniture
Please click Salary Sacrifice - Liverpool FT Benefits for full details.
**If you wish to register with GMP, the Employer code is LUHFT032148
National living wage update - 13th September 2024
You may be aware that the government increased the National Living Wage in April and we have some colleagues with items through NET arrangements or GROSS salary sacrifice arrangements that have been affected. With the new pay award due to take effect from October's pay, please read below additional FAQ's
Please see some Frequently Asked Questions that have come up to assist you further.
Q. If I had a Home Electronics paused, what happens when the new pay award comes into effect from October 2024?
A. The good news is that there will be no lump sums taken from your pay, any paused Home Electronics monthly deductions will be re-instated and extended until all contractual payments have completed.
Q. If I had my Car Park fee paused, what happens when the new pay award comes into effect from October 2024?
A. If you have a query with your car park fee please contact carparking
Q. If I received comms/email relating to my GROSS Lease car and falling below the National living wage, what happens next with the new pay award?
A. If it's calculated that you are above the National living wage then your monthly deductions will revert back to your original contractual payments we will email you to explain this.
Q. If I received comms/email relating to my NET Lease car and falling below the National living wage, what happens next with the new pay award?
A. If you still stay below the National living wage, the good news is that things will continue as normal, if you are above the living wage then your monthly deductions will revert back to your original contractual payments we will email you to explain this.
Q. Can I apply for a salary sacrifice item with my new pay award salary?
A. Yes, the good news is that we will accept new applications using the new pay award from Monday 16th September 2024.
Q. How does the National Living Wage (NLW) affect me?
A. As a Trust we have a legal obligation to ensure that no employee salary falls below the NLW, whilst taking a salary sacrifice item.
Q. Why is there a change this year from normal processes with the National living wage and does it affect NET deductions?
A. HMRC have changed the regulations around how the Trust calculates the NLW against NET deductions. A NET deduction is one that is taken from your salary after your tax, NI and pension has already been taken. This was not the case in previous years and therefore we have had to act quickly.
Q. Am I eligible for a salary sacrifice or a NET deduction?
A. This will depend on your current employment details and status. We use a higher living wage value from the current £11.44, called a ‘projected rate’. This ensures the Trust and you have a safety buffer to try and ensure that you don’t fall below the NLW in future years of any salary sacrifice contract and we don’t breach the regulations.
Q. Will I have to return my NET deduction car if I have fallen below the NLW?
A. No, after some extensive negotiation, the Trust has agreed with NHS Fleet Solutions to allow the continued lease for these existing vehicles. Payments will continue and any employee who has been affected will receive a letter explaining this.
Q. I have Home Electronics items and have fallen below the NLW, what happens?
A. If you have been affected by dropping below the NLW, any Home Electronics contracts that have made you fall below will be ‘paused’ until we have confirmation of any NHS pay awards. Your Employment details will then be re-calculated against the NLW and any ‘paused’ Home Electronics will continue until contract completion.
Please note we have outlined appropriate answers above but if you have any queries and require more information, please contact smartsalary
Criteria for Salary Sacrifice/Net Deductions Applications
- Annual deduction of any or all Salary Sacrifice items (in total) cannot drop employees annual salary below the National Living Wage (NLW) Thresholds.
- The Trust will use a 'Net' monthly deduction (car) against any future Salary Sacrifice applications. - For full details relating to this and for any other NLW queries/updates, please see the National Living Wage page.
- Gross/Net deductions cannot take salary levels to less than half their income.
- Must be over 18 years old.
- Employees must be in permanent employment.
- Salary Sacrifice schemes are not open to Bank/Locum/Fixed term employees.
- Maximum allowed for Hays Holidays £10,000 over two holidays per fiscal year - 1st April - 31st March - If eligible for this amount, **If your first holiday is £6,000 you can use £4,000 for the second - Please ask for full details.
- Maximum allowed for a Boiler with Vaillant is £5,000
- Please note that there are Benefit in Kind (BIK) tax implications with various schemes, only enter into an agreement if you are happy to proceed and understand the effect on your tax. If you would like more information to make an informed decision please contact the salary sacrifice team.
- By entering into a salary sacrifice contract, you agree that if you leave the Trust before the agreement ends, any monies outstanding will be taken from your final pay. Please refer to 'Leaving the Trust' page for further details.
Contact details
For questions relating to salary sacrifice, please contact the Salary Sacrifice Team by email
For any Salary Sacrifice payroll/invoice related queries/issues, please contact
For any Mersey travel pass/Cycle to work scheme, please contact
News and Updates
Additional Annual Leave Scheme update 6th March 2025.
We are accepting applications for 2025/26.
**Please ensure you use all of your purchased leave as the Trust does not offer a refund of payments if you leave the scheme early. For full details, please refer to guidelines below.
Applications window for 2025/26 - 1st April - 3rd November
Payments: The scheme allows employees to spread their *monthly deductions starting from April 2025 to 31st March 2026 - If you wish payments to start from April, please look to apply from February/March 2025. *The Salary Sacrifice team will provide this figure once application is approved.
The monthly payments 'window' will naturally reduce through the year, this will depend on when the application has been submitted and processed by the Salary Sacrifice team.
For any queries and for relevant 'cut off' payroll points in relation to applications, please contact smartsalary
Childcare Vouchers
As from 1st April 2020, the Trust will allow the minimum payment for Childcare Vouchers to be reduced to a minimum of £1.
This will be reviewed on a monthly basis, any changes will still need to be received by 2nd of the month to be in time for that month’s payroll - Please note we cannot accept any lower than £1 monthly deduction.
Any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Salary Sacrifice Team at