Our HIV community team provides treatment and support to people living with HIV who have complex needs related to HIV or other health and social care issues that limits their ability to access standard HIV treatment services.
The Rapid HIV testing service is available. Arrange by contacting team.
Referral to the HIV community team is usually by the secondary care HIV team if issues are identified which the community team can support with home care visits or community-based clinic follow up.
We also accept self-referrals or referrals from GPs or voluntary services.
You can obtain our referral form here.
Each patient will be reviewed by their medical HIV consultant and a plan of care will then be agreed. We provide care in line with national British HIV Association (BHIVA) standards of care.
Our patients are split into two groups, those who attend hospital for routine care and have additional community needs or those who are remotely managed because they are unable to attend for hospital-based care.
You can refer into our service if you meet the below criteria:
- if you are unable to attend hospital clinic services for routine HIV care
- Adherence concerns, side effects, monitoring
- and management including issues related to understanding, medicine complexity, neuropsychiatric issues, difficult adapting to new diagnoses.
- if you require vigilance and safety visits
- if you require routine blood monitoring and HIV medication prescription and provision (LCC cohort)
- if you need non routine blood monitoring (all patients)
- if you need psychological support with coping with HIV
- if you need a community needs assessment (complex health needs requiring support from other community partners)
- if you require palliative HIV care (to support palliative care referral, not as an alternative)
- if you need help managing your symptoms in relation to HIV and HIV related illnesses
- If you need to find patient
- Other – please identify and will be assessed
South Liverpool Treatment Centre
32 Church Road
L19 2LW
York Centre
Weekly clinic review is available at The York Centre for central access
Smithdown Health Park
Smithdown Road
L15 2HE
HIV Support Liverpool Services
Sahir House
151 Dale Street
L2 2AH
Tel 0151 237 3989
George House Trust
Call 0161 274 4499 or email talk