Register to take part

At the Trust, we want to ensure that patients, carers and families are central to all that we do, and the development of our Trust Engagement Partner Programme, will provide a valuable representation to steer service developments and quality improvements at the Trust.

If you or your family, use our services at any of our sites, we would really like to hear from you:

Engagement partners will have a varied level of engagement in a diversity of activities, and they will be invited to do as little or as much as they want or are able to offer:

The Trust Patient Experience team will contact engagement partners to share details about particular projects or activities and ask for expressions of interest. It might for example be providing some feedback on patient information being developed, participation in a focus group to obtain feedback on a specific aspect of care or involvement in an improvement project.

We recognise that some people may be interested in a particular specialty based on their lived experiences whilst others might have a more general interest- it will vary from person to person. Similarly, people may only want to be involved occasionally with certain projects or have a more regular commitment, again there is no set way or minimum level of engagement that would be expected.

We would be delighted to hear from you to engage with this programme and have a voice in the future developments at the Trust. We look forward to receiving your completed partnership form to become an Engagement Partner.

For more information, please email:


Becoming an Engagement Partner at the Trust

As an Engagement Partner at the Trust, we may contact you to request:

  • Your feedback on Trust services
  • Your support and involvement with service developments
  • Your thoughts and feedback on patient information or overall patient experience

Your data will be stored and processed in accordance with Data Protection Act 2018 and UK General Data Protection Regulation this may involve use of third-party providers of communications services.

For further information, please refer to the Trust Privacy Policy.


You may opt out of future communications and cancel your membership at any time by contacting the Patient Experience and Engagement team on 0151 529 0833 / 0151 529 0754 or email:


Annual newsletter