The National Wound Care Strategy Programme (NWCSP) is addressing the unwarranted variation in UK wound care services to improve healing rates and thus reduce patient suffering, expenditure on inappropriate and ineffective treatments and the amount of clinical time spent on wound care. NHS England Workforce, Training and Education | NHS England | Workforce, training and education (

  • Essentials of Skin Care– Skin anatomy, function, and assessment
  • Essentials of Wound Assessment– Different types of wounds. Undertaking a wound assessment
  • Essentials of Leg Ulceration– Causes of leg ulceration, types of leg ulceration and their management
  • Essentials of the Foot at Risk– Anatomy of the foot, undertaking a simple foot assessment and making appropriate referrals
  • Essentials of Digital Wound Imaging– The principles of taking a good quality digital image, including consent and data storage considerations
  • Essentials of Pressure Ulceration Prevention– Using the aSSKINg framework to assess and manage identified risk of pressure area breakdown.

Certificates are given on completion of the modules.