a = Assess risk and complete risk assessment

Within 6 hours of admission to the trust or within 6 hours of transfer between areas, upon clinical change, upon discharge and at least weekly (critical care areas are to complete risk assessment daily)

S = Skin assessment + skin care

Head to toe skin inspection, include ears, back of head and plantar aspects of feet. Ensure skin under any devices e.g. collars, splints, oxygen etc, is inspected.

S = Surface

Ensure appropriate mattress + pressure relieving cushion in place for patient.

K = Keep moving

Encourage patient to move, if unable to assistance to change position must be given according to risk.

I = Incontinence

Ensure general skin care, use barrier creams and incontinence pads according to need of patient.

N = Nutrition

Ensure patient is well hydrated and nourished, remembering any fluid or dietary restrictions.

g = Giving information

Ensure patient is provided with patient information leaflet PIF2503 and verbal education if appropriate. If not appropriate consider giving this information to family or carers. Copies are available from TV team along with order codes. All ward areas should have a regular supply of these.

Thumbnail Title Date Posted Size
PPTX file icon Prevent Heel pressure ulcers 21/09/2023 2.76 MB
PDF file icon Device related pressure ulcers 21/09/2023 0.83 MB
PDF file icon Categories of Pressure Ulcers 21/09/2023 1.63 MB
PDF file icon Skin Care 21/09/2023 0.71 MB
PDF file icon Pressure Ulcer Quick Reference Guide 21/09/2023 0.14 MB
PDF file icon aSSKINg pressure ulcer prevention staff leaflet 01/11/2023 0.40 MB
PDF file icon ASSKING Framework 28/12/2023 0.30 MB