Based on feedback from teams across the Trust, the Tendable audits completed by inpatient areas across the three sites will soon be changing.

From 3 April 2023, six new audits will align to the Liverpool University Hospitals’ Quality Assessment and Accreditation (LQA). The new audits will be:

  • Ward checklist (daily)
  • Clinical environmental (weekly)
  • Ward manager - documentation (fortnightly)
  • Ward manager - leadership (fortnightly)
  • Matrons (monthly)
  • Staff questions (monthly).

Liverpool University Hospitals’ Quality Assessment and Accreditation (LQA) framework has been developed taking into consideration the CQC fundamental standards of care. It also includes key clinical indicators that are designed to provide assurance of the quality of clinical care that is being delivered across the Trust. It assists clinical leaders to understand how they deliver care; identify what works well and where further improvements are needed.

These changes will enable consistent and ongoing preparation for areas ahead of the scheduled LQA programme and allow ward areas to identify, in real-time, areas of good practice or what needs to be improved and track questions more frequently.

For existing users, there will be no change to what you see in the Tendable app and its functionality, but you will notice different questions to complete alongside guidance notes. Many of the questions will already be familiar as they have been compiled from the existing audit sets.

To allow the changes to be reconfigured, there will be a 24–72-hour downtime when the app will be unavailable for any inspections. This will be towards the end of March 2023 and will be communicated out once confirmed.

The current Trust extranet page is being updated and will contain additional information and resources for staff regarding access to Tendable, training materials and the new QR codes when they are received.

If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact: