What is Tendable?

Tendable is the application used to complete our ward/area audits and assessments. The app allows us to remove pen-and-paper data collection, receive and share results instantly, and track the progress of actions raised from the audits themselves.

Using the app, staff can supplement their answers with comments and photographs, providing absolute clarity on issues or great practice. Assessors can also notify key staff immediately when specific issues arise or when a ward scores poorly.

How to access Tendable

  1. Open Tendable on a device with the app installed (the app can be downloaded from the Apple Store on iOS or the Google Play Store on Android). You can also register on our new Web Portal at: https://web.tendable.com/register
  2. Tap ‘Register Now’ on the login screen
  3. Input your details on the registration page. Your organisation code is UK444LUH. You will need to register using your organisation email address, as well as setting a password that must be at least eight characters long, contain at least one upper case character and at least one number.
  4. Once you have input your information, tap ‘Register’.

You won’t be able to log in straight away. Your account will first need to be approved by the Tendable team. This may take up to 48 hours to complete.

What audit and assessments are available and at what frequency?

LQA – (Liverpool University Hospitals Quality Assessment and Accreditation)

Quality Nurse / Matron Annually (then responsive)
Ward Checklist Ward / Area Staff Daily
Clinical Environment Ward / Area Staff


Ward Manager Documentation Ward / Area Staff Fortnightly (weeks one and three)
Ward Manager Leadership Ward / Area Staff Fortnightly (weeks two and four)
Matrons (Monthly) Ward / Area Matron Monthly
Staff Questions Ward / Area Staff Monthly
Fire Warden Checklist Ward / Area designated Fire Warden Monthly
Mattress Audit Tissue Viability team / Ward / area staff Monthly
Medicines Safety Audit Ward / Area Matron Monthly
Controlled Drugs Audit Ward / Area Matron Monthly
Practice & Environment IPC team Quarterly
Hand Hygiene IPC team Quarterly
HII 1a Ward Staff & IPC team Quarterly
HII 1b Ward Staff & IPC team Quarterly
HII 2a Ward Staff & IPC team Quarterly
HII 2b IPC team Quarterly
HII 5 Ward Staff & IPC team Quarterly
HII 6a Ward Staff & IPC team Quarterly
HII 6b IPC team Quarterly

If you have any further questions about Tendable, please contact: QualityMatrons@liverpoolft.nhs.uk.