This year's Energy Saving Week (20th - 26th January 2025) is an opportunity for us at University Hospitals of Liverpool Group (UHLG) to highlight the importance of mindful energy consumption.
As one of the region's largest healthcare providers, we're committed to showing how small changes in our daily routines, both at work and at home, can make a significant impact on reducing energy costs and supporting environmental sustainability.

All staff
- Equipment Shutdown
Turn any communal items off standby when not in use including TVs, microwaves, and coffee machines. Contact Estates and Facilities via desktop icon or call 8888 for equipment checks and PAT (Portable Appliance Testing) by maintenance team.
- Closedown Procedures
Switch off heating and air conditioning where it's controlled locally. Contact Estates via desktop icon or call 8888 for temperature control optimisation.
- Maintenance Reporting
Report faulty equipment, heating/ventilation issues, and water leaks promptly. Contact Estates and Facilities via desktop icon or call 8888 for assessment.
- Waste Management
Ensure all waste is disposed correctly according to the Healthcare Waste Management and Disposal Policy. For confidential waste collection, ring 8888 to log a job. To find out about recycling furniture please visit WarpIt (Welcome to Warp It- the resource redistribution network).
- Natural Light Usage
Let in natural light during the day by opening blinds. Contact Estates via desktop icon or call 8888 for lighting control adjustments.
- Document Management
Share documents electronically and use double-sided printing. Contact IT Services via desktop icon for support with electronic document systems.
- Meeting Efficiency
Encourage virtual meetings to reduce travel between sites. When in-person meetings are necessary, use our electric staff shuttle buses operating between Aintree, Royal, and Broadgreen sites, to reduce car miles. Consider walking or cycling to work where possible. Refer to Getting here page for shuttle bus timetables and cycling facilities.
Clinical staff
- Medical Device Management
Follow approved protocols and procedures for medical device management. Medical Engineering teams are available at each site:
Aintree Hospital: 0151 529 3498
Royal Liverpool & Broadgreen: 0151 706 2087
Renal Engineering: 0151 706 3504
Teams operate 8am-4pm, Monday-Friday. For out-of-hours support, contact Switchboard who will reach the on-call Engineer.
- Shutdown procedures
Work with colleagues and relevant leads to develop shutdown procedures for your department. This may consider shutdown procedures for particular areas that are not in use 24/7 or to shut down a particular piece of equipment when not in use. This may require input from various colleagues and departments including Infection Control, Medical Engineering, Estates and department managers before putting these into practice. Every shutdown procedure also needs a restart procedure!

1. Lighting and energy use
Switch off unnecessary lights
The simple habit of turning off lights when leaving a room or during bright daylight hours can lead to significant energy savings on your bills.
Install LED bulbs
LED bulbs use 90% less energy and last significantly longer than traditional bulbs, making them a smart investment for your home.
Use natural daylight
Opening curtains and blinds during daylight hours provides free, natural light and reduces the need for artificial lighting.
Adjust dimmer settings
Lower your dimmer settings to a comfortable level that saves energy while maintaining adequate visibility for your activities.
2. Water conservation
Fix leaks promptly
A single dripping tap can waste thousands of litres annually, along with the energy used to heat that water.
Install low-flow fixtures
Low-flow shower heads and taps significantly reduce water consumption while maintaining good pressure.
Take shorter showers
Reducing shower time by just a minute can save considerable amounts of water and heating energy throughout the year.
Use eco-settings
Using eco-settings on appliances like dishwashers and washing machines reduces both water and energy consumption significantly.
3. Appliance energy management
Unplug unused devices
Even when switched off, appliances continue to draw power, so unplugging them or using a power strip with switches can reduce this hidden energy use.
Choose energy-rated appliances
Selecting appliances with high energy-efficiency ratings might cost more initially but saves money through lower running costs over time.
Run full loads only
Running your washing machine or dishwasher only when full maximises efficiency and reduces the number of cycles needed.
Maintain equipment regularly
Regular maintenance of appliances, from cleaning filters to checking seals, ensures they run at peak efficiency.
4. Heating and insulation
Optimise thermostat settings
Setting your thermostat just a few degrees lower can make a significant difference to your energy consumption and bills.
Minimise thermal loss
Keeping windows closed in winter and using draft excluders prevents heat escape and reduces heating needs.
Maintain heating efficiency
Regular radiator bleeding and keeping them unobstructed ensures efficient heat distribution throughout your home.
Implement layered insulation
Adding an extra layer of clothing before turning up the heat is a simple but effective way to stay comfortable while saving energy.
For more information about our energy saving initiatives, please email the Sustainability Team.