As a Trust we have a strategic objective to work as an 'Anchor Institution'. 

The term anchor institution refers to large, public sector organisations whose long-term sustainability is directly linked to the wellbeing of the populations they serve. Anchors get their name because they are unlikely to relocate, given their connection to the local population, and have a significant influence on the health and wellbeing of communities.

The five areas in which us as a Trust and the wider NHS can positively contribute to local areas, beyond the provision of healthcare, are illustrated below.


Anchor Institution Delivery Group 

In 2022, an Anchor Institution Delivery Group was set up by the Programme Lead for Anchor and Health Inequalities. The purpose of the group is to manage and oversee the activity for both anchor institution and health inequality related work across the Trust. The group includes representation from the following departments:

  • Anchor and Health Inequalities
  • Sustainability
  • Procurement
  • Equality, Diversity and inclusion
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Learning and Development
  • Innovation.

For more information about the group and anchor workstreams across the Trust, please get in touch with Anthony Duffy, Programme Lead for Anchor and Health Inequalities -