NHS Cheshire and Merseyside is coordinating a seven-day, system-wide Super MaDE (Multi-agency Discharge Event) from 8am on Wednesday 21 August – Tuesday 27 August (7 days). This is timed to help improve system flow ahead of the busy bank holiday weekend.
This MaDE will bring together local health and care partners to support improved patient flow across the system, recognise and unblock delays, and challenge, improve and simplify complex discharge processes, free up beds and reduce lengths of stay.
Following the success of the first system-wide Super-MaDE in March, we are planning another one to support the reduction of system pressures ahead of the August bank holiday.
Whilst this is a targeted piece of work, the learning from this week will build on the broader Integrated Health and Social Care Programme and the work of the Valuing Patient Time Collaborative which you will have seen in recent communications.
Further information:
Why is it super?
- Working collectively towards improvement as a system, rather than individual organisations
- Chance to address barriers to discharge in a more focused, system-wide way
- Opportunity to share learning and scale up improvement conversations
- A chance to celebrate staff achievements and raise morale.
Why now?
- Reduce pressures and improve hospital flow ahead of busy Bank Holiday weekend
- National ask - to reduce 4 hour Emergency Department wait & Cat 2 ambulance response times
- Local system priority - to address Urgent and Emergency Care performance as part of financial recovery plans.
Who is involved?
- Clinical and operational staff from across the system
- Ward and clinical teams will be supported by focused MaDE teams who will help to unblock delays in real time
- Teams will be asked to document any challenges they identify, and any planned actions taken. This information will be feedback to the SCC team on a daily basis.
Call to action
- We are reminding colleagues to ensure ward and board rounds are well attended and action focused.
- Please ensure all ward level tasks are completed in a timely way to help discharge patients safely from hospital (For example To Take Out (TTO’s)) discharge summaries etc
- To support the work around deteriorating patients we are also encouraging colleagues to apply the strengths-based approach and to consider ensuring patients are sat out of bed at regular periods throughout their stay.
How can you support communicating about super MaDE?
We are asking colleagues to share examples of good practice, learning opportunities of case studies of patients throughout the week. You can share this with the below site contacts:
- For Aintree University Hospital: Jeanette Roberts
- For Royal Liverpool University Hospital: Alison Crawford
For more information
- The NHSE comms discharge toolkit is here: Hospitals Discharge Toolkit - Google Drive
- The Last 1000 Days: A poem by Molly Case, commissioned by former Prof Jane Cummings, Chief Nursing Officer for England https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HynytVepxZc&t=5s