Violence and abuse against you and any member of our staff is unacceptable. When you walk through our doors, we want you to feel respected and safe. However if you have been the victim of violence and/or abuse or you have witnessed it, whether this is by a member of the public, patient or a fellow member of staff, you can report it here, safely and securely. Please also complete a Datix form.

We also have a free, independent and confidential Staff Support Service (supplied by Merseycare NHS Trust) which provides a comprehensive service to all Trust staff. This confidential and independent service has a 24 hour helpline number for anyone wishing to talk: 0151 330 8103.

If you are seeking any general advice from Security, please use the following numbers:

Have you experienced... Required
Did it involve... Required

Your details

Thank you for reporting abuse here at the Trust. We now need to take a few details about you. Rest assured, this will only be seen by our security team here at the Trust who are the recipients of this form. If you have any further concerns, please give them a call on 0151 706 3999.


Cuppa with a Copper 

On the back of our No Excuse for Abuse campaign, which is encouraging colleagues across LUHFT to report incidents of violence and aggression that they have experienced, Merseyside Police have been visiting our sites to give tips and advice to staff.

‘Cuppa with a Copper’ has provided colleagues with the opportunity to discuss their concerns about general crimes and issues in the local area with local Police Officers, Police Community Support Officers, and the Security Management Team. Officers present at each informal event all police within the area and as such are able to understand issues faced.

Upcoming events will be posted below.