I encourage my team to seek out and share opportunities for continuous improvements

Why is it important?

When team members are able to share their ideas and make decisions, they feel empowered and this builds a sense of ownership and responsibility for the team success.  This boosts job satisfaction and motivation, leading to a more fulfilling work experience.

How do I do this?

  • I support my team to use data to review and improve service delivery.
  • I empower my team to raise ideas and make decisions for improvements.
  • I help my team members to understand how using Quality Improvement methods, such as PDSA cycles, can benefit our service.

Watch Karen Mattson, Head of Leadership - Organisational Development, talk about what this commitment means to her:

Resources available to support you with this:

To read (accessed via self-directed learning on ESR)

  • Using the six thinking hats to develop team thinking
  • How to use the PDSA cycle

To attend