What Quality Improvement is and why it is important to LUHFT

The Quality Improvement team is a corporate service based across three sites of Liverpool University Hospital. The team is mix of: 

  • Senior Improvement Advisors 
  • Senior Programme Managers 
  • Programme Managers 
  • QI Leads 
  • Project Managers 
  • Project Coordinators.

Quality Improvement (QI) is an approach to diagnosing challenges, designing solutions and testing them with the colleagues who do the work leading to sustainable change within the complex systems in which we work.

The QI team offers a consultancy service to colleagues. If you or your team have an idea for improvement, please email the QI team.

QI projects

Clinical Reliability Groups (CRGs) are the way in which the Trust has chosen to support services to merge across Broadgreen, the Royal Liverpool and Aintree sites. The aim and purpose of the CRG programme is to provide the best evidence-based care and reduce unwarranted variation so that the people of Liverpool get the same service irrespective of where they access it. 

The aim and purpose of the QI Flow team is to support the implementation of effective admission, transfer and discharge processes within and across all sites. As part of this work, we report to the Flow Improvement Group, led by Dr Jim Gardner, on a monthly basis.

The Outpatient Transformation Programme is about ensuring outpatient service reliability, through the building of strong foundations and delivering clinically led transformation. The aims of the programme are providing timely access to care, with right patient, right setting, right clinician. We will achieve this with harmonisation of practice and pathways and a better use of our workforce, clinic resources and digital enablers. 

Through the Fundamentals of Nursing Care (FoNC) we are coaching wards staff how to implement the QI model for improvement approach with a specific focus on one fundamental topic at a time. We are doing this as a supportive collaborative, bringing together ward staff with expert clinical topic leaders so our ward staff will build their confidence and capability. Through this our ward staff are able to make sustainable, incremental small local changes to the way we provide care, using available evidence to demonstrate we are improving safety. 

Thumbnail Title Date Posted Size
PPTX file icon Measurement for improvment slides 03/10/2023 3.13 MB
PPTX file icon LUHFT Intro to QI - Master 03/10/2023 8.20 MB