You can find our EDI Strategic Plan 2023 - 2026 in Our Documents. Please give it a read if you haven't already and don't forget to share with your colleagues and fellow team members.

Our strategic plan was developed by listening to patients, colleagues and partners and their feedback provided the basis of the commitments and aims in our plan. The strategy above sets out our clear commitment to address inequalities for our patients, the communities we serve and the colleagues we work with.

As a Trust proudly based in Liverpool, we are aware of the important role we play in reducing health inequalities. We recognise the responsibility we have in ensuring services not only meet the needs of our diverse population but are provided by a workforce that is representative of those we serve. We all must work together to truly achieve our aim of being intentionally inclusive.


We are asking all staff to adopt and embrace the strategic plan within their individual roles and workplaces.

More information will follow in the next few weeks on the actions we’ll be taking to deliver our strategic plan, and further opportunities for colleagues to get involved.