Supporting our Workforce with Domestic Abuse

In response to NHS England’s commitment to supporting and empowering colleagues who are victims and survivors of domestic abuse, LUFHT have signed up to the Merseyside Domestic Abuse Workforce Scheme and as a result have now assigned registered nurse Holly Aitchison as Specialist Practitioner for Domestic Abuse/ Sexual Violence. With seven years of safeguarding experience, Holly’s role is to support any colleague suffering Domestic Abuse / Sexual Violence whether they are a victim or perpetrator and also support any staff with line management responsibilities who may have concerns about their colleagues suffering Domestic Abuse/Sexual Violence.

Contacting Holly

Holly’s role includes engaging with members of staff to complete appropriate risk assessments and refer to services and she can be contacted via Ext: 3779, Bleep #5883 or by emailing She is based in the Aintree Safeguarding office but works cross-site.

Please click here to review the Domestic Abuse Workforce policy.

Could you become a Domestic Abuse Champion?

To support the role of Specialist Practitioner for Domestic Abuse / Sexual Violence and our staff, we need the help of LUHFT colleagues to volunteer as Domestic Abuse Champions.

What is the role of Domestic Abuse Champion:

  • Be the safe ‘go-to’ person and offer support in the workplace to anyone directly affected or anyone concerned about a colleague affected by domestic abuse.  
  • Complete a 4-day Domestic Abuse Training Course as a one off ( 4 days over 2 weeks (2 + 2), this would need to be agreed with your manager.
  • Attend Domestic Abuse Network Group ( This is yet to be set up)
  • Raise awareness within the organisation.  

Please visit this link to find the details of our current Domestic Abuse Champions and where to find them.

Would you like to volunteer for this role? Please get in touch for further details and meet with Holly Aitchison (details above).