One of the biggest opportunities for us to hear your thoughts is the annual NHS National Staff Survey, and we’re now able to share the results from the survey that you completed in 2023 – thank you to everyone that took part.
Our previous results showed that we had a lot of work to do to get things right for colleagues and whilst that made for difficult reading, it enabled us to be clear on what we needed to improve, prioritising what you told us was most important.
The results
This year’s results show that as a Trust, we have achieved an improved score across all nine themes, which demonstrates that we are on the right path.
The breakdown report can be viewed here and how we have benchmarked against other trusts here.
Some of the key areas in which we’ve made significant improvement can be seen below:
- Appraisals - We saw an increase in colleagues who have had an appraisal conversation. This follows on from the launch of our new appraisal framework which set out to make it more accessible to colleagues to have these important conversations with your manager.
- LUHFT as a place to work - The results also showed more of you recommending LUHFT as a place of work and although there is still a lot of work to do, this shows that the improvements we have been making culturally as an organisation are beginning to have an impact.
- LUHFT as a place to be treated - A lot of work has taken place to ensure that we are getting the essentials right for all of our patients and to improve things like our waiting times for diagnosis and treatment, so we were also pleased to see that more of you this year would be happy with the standard of care provided by LUHFT, should you have friends or family that needed treatment.
Please continue to take the opportunity to provide your thoughts and feedback as, with this, we can continue to drive great change throughout the organisation.