Your 2024 National Staff Survey is now open! 

This National Staff Survey is an opportunity for you to have your say about what it feels like to work at our Trust. Your valuable feedback enables us to identify what we are doing well as well as any areas that we need to change and improve.

Colleagues will know that we have been on an improvement journey and are striving to make LUHFT a kinder and better place to work for all staff.

In 2023, survey results showed that whilst we still have work to do, LUHFT was most improved in Cheshire and Merseyside, and was the sixth most improved trust in the country for staff engagement.

We want to continue to build on this - improving staff experience for everyone here at LUHFT by listening to your feedback and implementing meaningful change.

The below video explains more about the Staff Survey and some of the improvements we've been able to make as a result of your feedback:


How do I take part?

On 30 September, the survey will be delivered via email to all staff who were employed by LUHFT on 1st of September 2024, with the header:

NHS Staff Survey 2024 Invitation: Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

The email will include your unique link to access the survey. You can complete the survey using any computer, tablet or mobile phone. If you do not have an email address in ESR then your survey will be posted to you at work.

What is this survey for?

The National Staff Survey runs every year and is one of the largest workforce surveys in the world. It is designed to measure staff experience, enable staff voices and provide the data organisations need to improve staff engagement and experience. The National Staff Survey is the main annual survey with the Quarterly Pulse Checks an opportunity to check if things are improving throughout the year.

The results are used to improve local working conditions, and ultimately to improve patient care. The survey is administered annually so views can be monitored over time. It also allows us to compare the experiences of our NHS people in similar organisations, and the national picture.

Is taking part mandatory?

Everyone is encouraged to take part, but the survey is not mandatory. You will receive reminders until the deadline on 29 November unless you complete the survey or opt out. To opt out please email or send your survey back blank.

Will my responses be confidential?

The Staff Survey is completely confidential and doesn’t identify you or your responses as an individual. Your National Staff Survey is administered by an external contractor, Quality Health, on behalf of the Trust.

Data is collected from ESR ahead of the survey and sent to the contractor containing staff information. A unique code is assigned to each online survey. The survey code is used to track who has and hasn’t responded, if you complete the survey your code is logged as complete. This means you won’t be sent any reminders.

Once the survey is received, the link between you and your responses is broken. At no point will anyone at the Trust be able to see your responses or whether you have taken part.

What happens with the results of the survey?

Your responses help us to understand what is working well as well as look into what needs to change. We’ve made a lot of positive progress as a result of your feedback from last year, please keep an eye out for our ‘You said we did’ graphics which explains how we’ve been putting this feedback into action.

What support is available to me?

We understand that the survey may include subjects which may trigger difficult emotions and/or memories, but we want to ensure that all colleagues feel safe and supported to share their experiences through the survey. Please discuss any support needs you may have with your line manager in the first instance, and remember that the LUHFT Staff Support Offer is available and has information about the support available to you.

Can I forward the email to the rest of my team?

No. Each survey link is unique to its recipient, and once it has been used to complete a survey it cannot be used again. If anyone in your team hasn’t received a survey, please ask them to contact

Is now the best time to ask colleagues about how they are feeling given the current challenges and recent implantation of workforce controls?

The Staff Survey is set at the national level and takes place at the same time each year to provide a consistent view of staff experience. It is just as important for us to understand how people are feeling during difficult times as in better times, so please do complete and tell us how you are feeling. Our commitment to LUHFT colleagues is to listen to your feedback, both positive and negative.

What are the 7 People Promise themes?

You may have heard us mention that the survey this year is committed to the seven People Promise themes, as we continue to look into what makes the best working experience for all. The People Promise says:

  • We are compassionate and Inclusive
  • We are recognised and rewarded
  • We each have a voice that counts
  • We are safe and healthy
  • We are always learning
  • We work flexibly
  • We are a team.

More information can be found here.

I don’t have regular access to IT equipment at work. Am I still able to complete the survey?

Yes, you can complete the survey from home by logging into your computer. We will also be doing direct engagement in some teams where there is limited digital access to provide assistance and enable staff to complete these on electronic tablets.

Will there be a prize draw this year?

We have listened to colleague feedback and this year we are offering a range of team-based prizes for a completion rate, which have kindly been provided by our Life at LUHFT staff app provider. To find out more, click here.

Why do we need to use incentives to complete the survey, surely it should be mandated?

As a result of staff feedback, we have this year reintroduced some small team based incentives which we hope may encourage more colleagues to have their say. The survey is completely voluntary and is anonymous and prizes are based on team responses/completion.

How does this survey differ from the pulse?

The National Staff Survey is our annual measure of staff experience and delves into much more detail that the Pulse survey. The Pulse survey aims to provide a temperature check of the organisation throughout the year measuring one key element of staff engagement, the national covers nine very specific themes including the seven people promise themes, staff engagement and morale meaning we receive a much more in depth view of the trust clearly identifying what is going well and areas for improvement.   

Additional myth busters - watch more below: