Please see below guidance from the IPC and Health and Safety teams with regards to decorating your work areas this Christmas.
Christmas Lights:
- Ensure lights have the UK British Standard Kitemark or CE mark.
- Before use and during the festive period, inspect Christmas lights and cable for damage. If they are damaged do not use them
- Christmas lights must be low-voltage LED Lights as they use less energy and should display a PAT test sticker from our estates team.
- Keep them clear of flammable materials that can burn easily, like paper
- Turn off Christmas tree lights when we go home.
- One Christmas tree is permitted in communal areas such as receptions, nurses’ stations, non-clinical offices or corridors if there’s enough space
- Artificial fire retardant Christmas trees only please
- Ensure any artificial trees you purchase are flame retardant and that when it’s set up, it is standing steady and isn’t at risk of toppling over
- Choose a safe position for your Christmas tree which is away from any heat source and ensure the tree does not compromise any escape routes.
- In patient areas, decorations should not hang from the ceiling and should be limited to a tree and window transfers. As always, avoid using sellotape and use blu-tac to pin up decorations.
- Keep high touch point areas decoration free zones so they are easily cleaned. Decorations must be wipeable, so our elves can keep everywhere safe and clean.
- Non in patient areas, paper chains, banners, and tinsel might look lovely strung up around the office, but make sure you’re not placing any combustible decorations like these above heaters or radiators, and definitely don’t attach them to any lights or over any vents on your electrical equipment such as computers and printers.
- Never balance on tables and chairs to put up your decorations
Extension Cables:
- Always visually inspect extension leads for damage before use
- Never overload sockets or extension leads
- Ensure the extension cable is PAT tested by the estates team
- Always ensure the extension lead is not going to create a tripping hazard
- Never join multiple extension leads together
- If you use a cable drum, always completely unwind the cable otherwise the cable can overheat.