As part of our celebrations for Black History Month, we were delighted to welcome Nordoff and Robbins to the Royal Liverpool Hospital. Nordoff and Robbins are the UKs largest music therapy charity. Music has the power to connect us, even when words fail. There are many people who, because of the barriers of illness, disability or social isolation, have few opportunities to express themselves and engage with others. Music therapy helps to break through those barriers. 

They delivered a session for us at the Royal Liverpool Hospital. Together, we celebrated music from many different cultures and genres. Many patients and staff joined us. So many patients and staff told us the session had made their day and had lifted their spirits. 

As part of the Liverpool City Region Blood Donation Awareness project, in which LUHFT is a key partner, we collaborated with members of the project team, including colleagues from the Haematology Department, to raise awareness about Sickle Cell disease and the urgent need for blood donors. This initiative particularly emphasized the importance of donors from Black Heritage backgrounds, as they have a 10% likelihood of carrying the RO subtype, essential for treating Sickle Cell patients. Our outreach efforts engaged approximately 45 people, resulting in five new blood donor registrations.

To become a registered blood donor, please  visit  

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