Our Leadership Framework is the blueprint in how we understand what effective leadership is at LUHFT.
We know that compassionate and inclusive leadership is a major component in creating motivational teams, driving improvement, and ultimately, delivering the highest quality patient care – and this framework outlines the behaviours, skills, and attributes it takes to be a great leader at the Trust.
Whilst we have always known that great leaders would play an important role in realising our vision for the future direction of the Trust, this is the first time it has been formally captured in a framework.
The Leadership Framework provides the basis for consistent, coordinated leadership development across the Trust. It creates alignment by giving all leaders a common language and skillset to work from. This shared knowledge base makes it easier to provide relevant training, coaching, mentoring and other support opportunities.
The Leadership Framework sets a clear path for effective leadership that directly impacts patient care and safety. When leaders embody the desired competencies, values, and behaviours outlined in this framework, it cultivates a culture of compassion, inclusivity, and continuous improvement. This positive culture empowers staff to deliver high-quality, safe care tailored to the unique needs of patients and the community we serve.
What's in the Framework?
The Leadership Framework provides a structured approach to developing current and future leaders at all levels of the organisation. It helps ensure there is a continuous pipeline of talented individuals prepared to take on leadership roles as they become available. This is vital for succession planning and maintaining strong leadership over the long-term.
Levels of leadership are defined by:
Existing leader
Senior leader
Executive leader
Aspiring leader.
Within the framework, there are seven ‘Leadership Domains’ that outline the behaviours, skills, and attributes it takes to be a great leader at the Trust.
We understand the importance of continuous development and preparation for future roles, even while excelling in a current role. Leaders are encouraged to self-assess against the seven domains:
How do I assess against the Framework?
You will self-assess against the seven leadership domains using the Leadership Self-Assessment Tool (LSAT) that matches your level of leadership.
Once you have assessed, the LSAT provides a range of targeted supportive resources, tools and development programmes, so that you have the confidence and capability to develop your individual leadership journey.