LUHFT Digital IT Training

Welcome to our Doctors' Induction Page 


For Qualified Doctors ONLY - GMC/GDC Number Is Required


Welcome to the Doctors' Induction - IT Training Section for Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Below is a series of thirteen interactive E-Learning Training Packages that are mandatory within the Trust.  These Training Packages are for Qualified Doctors ONLY and you must have a GMC/GDC Number to enable you to complete the Digital IT Training Declaration Form at the end of the process.

You must complete each of these training packages to ensure you understand the main clinical systems used by Doctors / Clinicians within the Trust.



  1. Simply read through the Software Details Section in the first instance, to ascertain the E-Learning Training Packages which are relevant for your Job Role.  You will see that some packages are for Outpatient Doctors Only.
  2. Simply click each E-Learning Training Package in turn, to open it.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions and fully complete each package.
  4. Only once all E-Learning Training Packages have been completed and you feel confident / competent to use these systems in a live patient environment, should you then confirm this by clicking on the following Link and completing the LUHFT Digital IT Training Declaration Form.  Digital IT Training Declaration Form - Doctors
  5. A Trust Network Account Username is mandatory when completing the Digital IT Training Declaration Form, as Live Access can not be authorised/created without this.  If you do not have this already, you will need to liaise with your Trust Line Manager, Medical Education Team or your Departmental Clinical Office Manager to be allocated this. 
  6. The Digital IT Training Declaration Form is a legal document used by the Trust, for staff to confirm that they have fully completed each of the E-Learning Training Packages and declare their competency, confidence and understanding of each system. 
  7. Once you have completed the Digital IT Training Declaration Form fully, please press the Submit Button at the end of the Form and this will then be forwarded to the Trust System Administrators to be authorised and actioned.  (Missing Information on this form can prevent live system access being authorised for you).
  8. The Digital IT Training Declaration Form will be submitted to the System Administrators and Pharmacy Team for review and only then will your Live Access be authorised and granted.
  9. You will receive an email from the System Administrators and Pharmacy, confirming that your Live Accounts have been created and they will explain the Login Details you will require to access these systems.


Most of the E-Learning Training Packages below are in Microsoft PowerPoint format and are interactive.  They should open in full screen – if they do not, please press the F5 key on your keyboard for full screen. 


If you encounter any problems or difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact the appropriate Digital IT Training Team for the Trust Site within which you work.

Aintree Site

Royal and Broadgreen Site

  • ADT Dashboard - All-encompassing system for Electronic Ordering, Notes, Discharge Summaries, Virtual Reviews and Consultant Referral Processing.
  • PENS - Clinical Note and Form Viewing and Recording
  • ICE - Pathology, Radiology, Referral Ordering and View Results
  • WellSky EPMA Prescriber - Prescribing Patient Medications for Inpatients and Outpatients
  • Carestream PACS - Viewing Patient Radiology Investigations
  • EPRO - Clinical Correspondence Dictating and Approving (Only valid until 13th July) (New EPRO Upgrade Go Live Date 15th July)
  • EDMS - Scanned Patients Casenotes from previous hospital attendances
  • Sigma Archive - Viewing historical Patient Clinical Records previously held on the Trust Sigma System.  (Aintree Site ONLY)
  • Attend Anywhere - OPD Video Consultations - to be completed by OPD Doctors who provide Video Consultations as part of their OPD Clinics
  • Intouch Flow Manager - Clinician - To be completed by OPD Doctors to enable them to manage/run their OPD Clinics
  • DrDoctor - Clinicians - To be completed by Clinicians using the DrDoctor Patient Portal for Digital Clinical Assessments
  • EPRO - Clinicians - This is a Demonstration Video Recording, covering the new EPRO Cloud Upgrade for Letter Dictation and Approval (Go Live Date 15th July) (Sound Is Required)
  • eXchange - (Share2Care)  -  Shared Care Portal to allow you to view GP Records, GP Medications for Patient and Discharge Letters  (No Sound Available)
Thumbnail Title Date Posted Size
 file icon Sigma Archive 20/09/2023 11.28 MB
 file icon Carestream PACS 20/09/2023 15.30 MB
 file icon EDMS 20/09/2023 5.54 MB
 file icon EPRO 20/09/2023 4.58 MB
 file icon WellSky EPMA 20/09/2023 19.06 MB
 file icon ICE 20/09/2023 18.88 MB
 file icon PENS 20/09/2023 17.11 MB
 file icon ADT Dashboard 20/09/2023 30.05 MB
 file icon Attend Anywhere - OPD Video Consultations 21/03/2024 9.62 MB
 file icon Intouch Flow Manager - Clinician - v0.3 02/04/2024 21.90 MB
 file icon DrDoctor - Clinician 23/04/2024 8.50 MB
MP4 file icon EPRO - Clinician - Refresher Training 25/06/2024 47.53 MB
MP4 file icon eXchange 12/07/2024 8.19 MB