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As part of our celebrations for International Nurses’ Day on Sunday 12 May 2024 and ODP Day on Tuesday 14 May 2024, there will be activities happening throughout the week across the Trust that you can get involved with.

We hope that you’re able to take time to enjoy the activities taking place during the week and to thank each other for the ongoing care and support you give one another every day. Keep an eye out for all of the celebrations throughout the week, via our Staff Facebook page.

Events across each site will include:


  • Decorate your ward competition is taking place throughout the week with winners being announced on social media on Friday 10 May.


  • An electronic gratitude wall will be live via AhaSlides and will be published on the PDN Team social media channels throughout the week.


  • Site-based tombola’s will take place on the following dates with lots of great prizes to be won:

o  Tuesday 7 May: BGH and Dental

o  Wednesday 8 May: AUH and RLH


  • Site-based face-to-face Nursing Star Awards will take place on Thursday 9 May at the following times:

o AUH: 10:00-11:00, Boardroom

o BGH: 12:30-13:30, Kent Lodge

o RLH: 14:00-15:00, Lecture Theatre

Please note: The awards ceremony on Thursday 9 May will be for Nurses only, ODP colleagues will have their own awards ceremony. 

Awards will be presented for:

o        Star Staff Nurse / Nursing Associate

o        Star Nurse Manager (includes Ward Managers, Deputy Ward Managers, Matrons, Team Leaders)

o        Star Nurse Educator / Learner Supporter / Preceptor

o        Star Nursing Team

o        Star Clinical Nurse Specialist

o        Star Research Nurse

o        Star BAME Nurse

o        Star Dental Nurse

o        Star Dental Nurse Manager

o        Star Dental Team

o        Star ODP

o        Star ODP Manager

o        Rising Star ODP