How to submit a good award nomination

The Heart of LUHFT staff awards aim to reward and recognise individuals and teams who are an inspiration to work with, who deliver outstanding care or whose exceptional work has been caring, fair or innovative, demonstrating one or more of the Trust values.

For detailed criteria on the awards categories, please find here.

If you know a colleague who demonstrates these criteria, then the following quick tips are designed to give your nominee the best possible chance of being shortlisted:


Be specific

Clearly identify your what, when, why, where, and how – What did they do, why and how did they do it, what were their challenges and what was the impact of their action, for example, did it improve patient care or support a colleague? What did this result in and what were the benefits to patients and staff?


Prove it - evidence is key

Using facts, statistics and metrics are important to strengthen your nomination and make the examples and story of the team or individuals more unique, factual, and impressive. The judging panel will be looking for tangible examples of the achievement/s outlined.


Show us how they live our values

Try to link submissions back to our values and explain how the individual or team demonstrated these values in their work. We receive a high volume of nominations so this will help to make your submission stand out.


Understand the category and its requirements

Keep your nomination copy on topic and use the entry criteria for your chosen category as a checklist to avoid any unnecessary information and ensure you’ve included all supporting examples for each point. Use bullet points if this helps.


Choose one category

Please don’t enter the same team or individual into multiple categories. Due to the high volume of nominations we receive, it’s important that every nomination is in the right place and fits the award criteria to be considered for shortlisting.


Proofread and wordcount

Proofread your submission and ask someone else to check it for you to make sure you’ve not repeated any information. This will help in editing down your copy and adding in more specific supporting information. Write in an easy-to-understand language and try to avoid acronyms so that it's clear for someone who doesn't know the individual or team. Finally, remember the 300-word limit!


Quality over quantity

Please don't use the same nomination copy for multiple people. Make your nominations unique and tell us about the achievements of the individual or team, not just a description of their personality.


Add a primary and secondary contact

Please help us to make contact during the shortlisting process. Make sure to add both your own contact details and contact details for the team or individual you’re nominating so that we can let them know the outcome of their nomination. If you know the ward manager for the team or individual, please note this on the nomination form.


Note the deadline!

Make a note of the deadline for nominations to be submitted (Sunday 25 June, 6pm) and prepare your entry far in advance to ensure you have enough time to include every detail and nominate those who deserve to be recognised.


Good Luck!