Investigation aide-mémoire
The following aide-mémoire's were developed to assist managers to investigate incidents submitted via the DATIX system.
All questions stated within the aide-mémoire must be answered as part of the investigation of the incident before it can be finally approved.
This section also contains general investigation guidance and forms.
General Health and Safety Risk Assessments
Here you can find the Trust HS risk assessment tool alongside guidance and template documents to assist you.
Please contact a member of the team should you require any assistance.
Ligature Risk Assessment Templates
All wards and departments accessible to patients must have in place a ligature risk assessment. It is the responsibility of the ward or departmental manager to carry out the assessment and ensure that the action plan and control measures are adequate and implemented.
The action plan should be monitored at your Divisional Assurance Groups (DAGs) and progress reports included in the DAG report to LUH Health and Safety Group.
Needlestick Injury and BBV Events
The safe handling of sharps is a critical factor for the successful reduction of Blood Borne Virus (BBV) incidents. Inoculation injuries arising from exposure to contaminated sharps and body fluids represent a recognised route of infection. It is therefore imperative that all staff adhere closely to the following precautions and procedures in order to minimise the risks associated with the use of sharps.
If a sharps/splash injury is sustained, the employee must immediately follow the First Aid Actions, report the injury to their line manager and attend Occupational Health or the Emergency Department out of hours. The injured party must also complete a DATIX incident form.
The immediate management of a staff member sustaining an injury or exposure event will be dependent on the initial Post Exposure Risk Assessment (PERA) of the donor patient which must be completed by Doctor in Charge of the Patients Care on the Ward. This should initially be made on the information available, i.e. from presenting history, lifestyle issues and previous medical notes or laboratory results.
The Post Exposure Risk Assessment (PERA) must be retained by the staff member, with a copy kept in the patient’s (donors) notes. The completed PERA form must be taken to Occupational Health Department within 24 hours of exposure, or sent by Fax 0151 529 3598 and brought with the staff member to the AED if out of hours.
Thumbnail | Title | Date Posted |
Post Exposure Risk Assessment | 22/09/2023 | |
First Aid and Actions Flowchart - For Display on Wards and Departments | 22/09/2023 |