The Manual Handling team lead on all matters relating to manual handling, clinical and non-clinical at Liverpool University Hospitals and work as part of a large diverse team of subject matter experts working across the extensive portfolio of multi-site acute and specialist hospitals.

The team are responsible for the protection of everyone who works in, or uses, our hospitals, health centres and headquarters buildings.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Manual Handling Advisors if you require any support:

Manual Handling is split into two levels:

  • Level 1 - All staff to undertake an E-Learning Module with a 3 yearly update.
  • Level 2 - Face to face practical training session facilitated by a Manual Handling Cascade Trainer in the clinical area or classroom based by a Manual Handling Advisor with a 2 yearly update.

Moving & Handling - Level 2 training is booked via ESR Self Service. Please contact the Manual Handling Team for information regarding Manual Handling Cascade Trainers in your Clinical Area


The Manual Handling Cascade Trainers role is to:

  • Assess the competency of staff in the clinical area
  • Liaise with Line Manager to identify those members of staff who have not received training and develop a plan to ensure the delivery of manual handling training within the clinical area
  • Ensure training registers are returned to the Manual Handling Advisor in a timely manner or complete the electronic Learning and Development register
  • Identify any shortfalls in equipment 
  • In clinical areas promote the completion of individual patient risk assessments and the review process
  • Be a pro-active role model
  • Promote and maintain good practice within the clinical area
  • Challenge poor practice within the clinical area
  • Attend cascade trainer refresher training every two year.

Please contact the Manual Handling Team if you are interested in becoming a Manual Handling Cascade Trainer or want to know if you have one in your clinical area to facilitate your training.

All equipment is currently ordered via ORACLE CLOUD or NHS Supply Chain.

If you have any queries regarding this, please contact the Procurement Helpdesk on 0151 529 2273 or email:


All patient handling equipment used within Liverpool University Hospitals is owned by the Trust with the exception of bariatric equipment which is leased through a managed contract with 1st Call Mobility. Equipment must be ordered at the earliest opportunity following decision to admit.

Wards should contact the Manual Handling Advisor (Mon - Fri 8am - 4pm) for advice and support relating to appropriate equipment:

A&E will inform the receiving ward immediately that a bariatric patient is to be admitted. The admitting ward should immediately order a bariatric bed from 1st Call Mobility by contacting the Manual Handling Advisor or contacting 1st Call Mobility directly on 01279 425648 and provide them with the following information:

  • Patients Name and NHS Number
  • Ward/Department for equipment to be delivered
  • Details of the equipment needed

The bed should be delivered to the ward within two-four hours.

The patient will arrive on the ward on the A&E bariatric trolley. Once the bariatric bed arrives the patient should be transferred onto the bed, the trolley should be cleaned and returned to:

Aintree Site/Royal Site - Bed Store and accessed by contacting the Porters.

Transfer of patient from one ward to another

Contact 1st Call Mobility to inform them of the internal transfer who will arrange transfer costs to the new admitting ward. You will need to provide stock numbers from the equipment being transferred.

Reporting Faulty Equipment

Contact 1st Call Mobility and report the fault. Please quote the stock number of the faulty item.

Bariatric patient discharged

Contact 1st Call Mobility with stock numbers of the items to be returned who will then arrange collection of the bariatric equipment.

Do not loan any 1st Call Mobility equipment to other wards or remove off site.


A&E Bariatric Trolley

Both Royal Liverpool and Aintree A&E Departments have access to a bariatric trolley.

Aintree Site/Royal Site - Bed Store and accessed by contacting the Porters

The trolley is set up with a foam mattress and side wedges at 3/4 width. If the trolley needs to be standard size to get into rooms/lifts the side wedges should be removed and the panels under the trolley pushed in. The wedges should remain with the trolley and the trolley returned to 3/4 width as soon as possible.

The following procedure must be followed for the use of the bariatric trolley:

  • Bariatric patient is admitted to A&E
  • Bariatric patient transferred onto the bariatric trolley
  • A&E staff to contact admitting ward staff to order bariatric bed
  • Bariatric patient is transferred to the admitting ward on the bariatric trolley
  • Bariatric patient is transferred onto the bariatric bed once arrived
  • Bariatric trolley is cleaned and returned to A&E/Bed Store

Please do not use any equipment unless you have had training and are competent and confident in its use. Please contact a Manual Handling Advisor for support and advice. Please refer to the user guides below.

Thumbnail Title Date Posted
folder icon Equipment order codes 22/09/2023
folder icon Manual handling information 22/09/2023
folder icon Risk assessments 22/09/2023
folder icon Inanimate loads 22/09/2023
folder icon Bariatric Equipment User Guides 22/09/2023
folder icon Patient Handling Equipment User Guides 22/09/2023